Sunday, January 3, 2010

bananas make a woman more beautiful

Cold winter, and the skin to resist bad weather, but also to deal with dry indoor environment. How can we do not need too much tedious work of state, will be able to have a healthy skin? In addition to doing basic maintenance sooner or later, are there any way to make your skin shine? Life at home Xiaobian collected specially for you a wide variety of skin beauty secret language, allows you to easily cope with the winter skin problems!
If you can Yong Zhao rosy youth looking to keep young skin is the most common skin around MM topic. If you now tell you that in our daily life there are some food with a magical anti-aging functions, adhere to roots of food that we can make a woman not old.
3. Banana
Although there are about 120 cards a banana is vitamin b6, c, and a good source of fiber are also rich in potassium helps to regulate blood pressure. Bananas contain alkaloids (alkaloid) inspire the spirit is very suited to snacks to add calories. In addition to direct food can also be mixed in juice or added to breakfast cereals Lane.

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